Sunday, October 08, 2006

Latest Rumour: YouTUBE to Buy GOOGLE !!

Okay, I got your attention. This is not only not strictly true, but also one of the most unlikely rumours to be furnished on the web.

What is only slightly more likely is the rumour that Google is about to launch a $1.6bn takeover of  Rumours have been abound now for a few days and neither Google nor YouTube see fit to comment, which has only fuelled the rumour mill further.

Why would Google buy YouTube when they have the search market covered and their own Google Videos beginning to pick up steam ?

Why would YouTUBE sell to Google when they just signed a deal with EMI Warner ?

I doubt it will happen, but Google do have the spare cash and the guys at YouTube could likely do with some. Should it happen it will finally put paid to the entire web video sharing market.  The dozens of other sharing sites would be limited to hosting porn since thats the only area Google would stay away from.
Interesting times ahead....


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