Yummy and Google Life
A very cool tool has come to market. For those of us who now live by social bookmarking, should check out Yummy
A freeware little tool thats very much still in alpha / beta mode that is effectively a front end del.icio.us search tool. It sits on the desktop and lets you search by user or topic. There are more and more web2.0 tools websites and interface tools hitting the internet, this is a very nice bit of integration. If you know any more, let me know and i'll review it on this blog.
I'm still waiting for the all encompasing, all interfacing tool for my web management, email, news, web clippings and home entertainment system control... I'm waiting for GoogleLife to launch. It seems they have all the components, they just need to package it into one log in web interface with a desktop app for offline use and hey presto i'll be happy and they can rename the internet: googlenet
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